Enter now

To register and start your entry, please use the button below. If you have previously started and saved an entry, please login by clicking here

We would advise completing your entry in Word or a similar programme first before copying and pasting into the entry form.

If you need help with your entry or require any clarification, please contact Muhammed Hussain on +44 (0)203 953 2908 or Muhammed.Hussain@emap.com

The entry deadline is 27 June 2025. The winners will be announced at Hilton Metropole London on 25 November 2025.

Why Enter

Being shortlisted or winning an award offers you the opportunity to:

  • Give new and existing customers confidence in your organisation.
  • Help you differentiate yourself from your competitors.
  • Demonstrate that you are championing recycling best practice.
  • Showcase your organisation to stakeholders, customers and internally as a leader in the field.
  • Raise your organisation's profile both locally and nationally.
  • Build customer trust and increase sales.
  • Motivate your team.

Top tips

This is your chance to tell your story. All good stories have a structure so remember to structure your entry along the following lines:

  • Beginning: Provide the judges with information on the challenges you have overcome and your unique approach to creating impact and measurable results
  • Middle: Back up your claims with data and real-world outcomes. Whether it's improved performance, cost savings, or sustainability achievements, show your success through clear metrics and examples
  • End: What makes you stand out from other organisations and why should you win?

To ensure that your submission is your best work, take a look at our hints and tips below before you start your entry:

  • Make a note of the deadline: you must submit your entry by 27 June 2025 so make sure you have this date in mind – write it in your diary or on your calendar, or set notifications on your phone to ensure you don't miss the chance to enter
  • Preparation is key: now that you know the deadline, allow yourself plenty of time to write, develop and submit your entry – coming back to it with a fresh pair of eyes can help you remember important details that may make the difference between being shortlisted and just missing out
  • Make the judges' job easy: write in clear, plain English, avoid too much jargon and use bullet points where appropriate to break up the text
  • Pay attention to grammar and spelling: poorly presented entries lack credibility so don't lose out on being shortlisted on something you could have easily avoided
  • Involve the right people: involve your team in developing the entry and consider asking colleagues outside of the project or initiative to review as they will often see the great work you do that you might overlook
  • Back up your entry: take advantage of the option to attach documents to support your entry with useful information that will help the judges to understand the impact of your work and career to date
  • Proofread, proofread, proofread: ask someone else, such as a colleague, friend or manager, to look through your entry before you submit. Often a fresh set of eyes that does not have detailed knowledge of the entry may suggest ways to clarify your submission


Hopefully you'll find an answer to your question below. If not, please contact Muhammed Hussain on +44 (0)203 953 2908 or email Muhammed.Hussain@emap.com.

To view the criteria, create your account, or login with your email and password used to create your account if you have already done so. Select ‘Enter Now’ against the category you wish to view where the criteria will be displayed. If you wish to start your entry at this point any information you add will be autosaved and you can login to complete the rest of the entry at any time.

Enter the email address and password that you used when you first started your entry on the log in page, you will then be taken through to your dashboard and will be able to continue your entry.

You can enter another category by selecting the category you wish to enter from the ‘Categories’ section.

Please contact Muhammed Hussain on +44 (0)203 953 2908 or email Muhammed.Hussain@emap.com and they will be able to help you with your entry.

Entry process

Entry Guidelines  

There are categories to cater to every sector within the recycling industry, whether you represent a manufacturing company, recycling facility, consultancy, public sector organization, or private entity. This presents a golden opportunity for you to gain recognition for your achievements while spotlighting your business's outstanding contributions to recycling, reuse, and waste reduction. 

How to enter?  

  • Entries must relate to activity that’s taken place between 1 January 2024 – 29 June 2025 
  • Read the entry criteria below  
  • Register your details online, you will receive an email, click on the link to validate your account, or add the validation code. You will need to do this before you can complete your entries.  
  • Submit your entry via the online entry form.   
  • Login at any time to finish your entry. If you forget your password, please use the reset password link on the login page.  

Winning Entries  


Winners will be published in the December 2025 issue of Materials Recycling World and displayed on the website.  

Awards ceremony  

The National Recycling Awards ceremony will be held in London on the evening of 25 November at the Hilton London Metropole. Everyone who enters is welcome to join us at the Awards. However please note this is a paid-for event.  

How much does it cost to enter?  



Who should enter : Any UK or Republic of Ireland-based public sector, voluntary, charity, private or commercial organisation.

About the award : The winner of this award will show how to run an effective campaign, of any size or budget, that has resulted in a demonstrable impact on delivering more effective or sustainable services for clients or the public. Judges are looking for initiatives or communication programmes that address a specific challenge around waste or the waste hierarchy. This might include increasing recycling, boosting reuse or reducing waste, as well as improving the quality of collected materials, reducing contamination, or even increasing awareness of good practice in the supply chain. This might be within the organisation concerned or in the wider community.

Qualifying period: 1 January 2024 – 27 June 2025

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What the judges will look for:

  • Clear and measurable evidence of the impact of the campaign (eg in changing behaviour, improving performance etc).
  • Evidence of a well-planned and executed initiative.
  • Novel and creative elements that others can learn from or adopt to drive wider change.

*Please note that information provided here may be used in the public domain for any promotional editorial content for the awards. If any information on the entry form is commercially confidential or otherwise not allowable for publication, please indicate here.

Previous winners: https://www.mrw.co.uk/awards/nras-2023-campaign-of-the-year-up-to-10k-17-12-2023/ & https://www.mrw.co.uk/awards/nras-2023-campaign-of-the-year-over-10k-17-12-2023/

Who should enter : Any UK or Republic of Ireland-based organisation. This can include businesses, construction firms, retailers, manufacturers, higher education establishments, government departments and so on.

About the award : This award seeks to recognise initiatives or a project that can demonstrate successful work to embed the circular economy principles of designing out waste, keeping products and materials in use at their highest value, and regenerating natural systems.

It must demonstrate how materials can better be fully reutilised without being lost in supply chains. Judges are looking for examples to show that circular business models can work, while demonstrating buy-in and trade from along a supply chain.

This could include projects that can inspire and show how a circular economy can function effectively in practice. Please consider whether your entry would be better suited to the Packaging Circular Economy Award. If your entry is about boosting recycling rates for a material stream, please consider entering the Recycling Excellence award.

Qualifying period: 1 January 2024 – 27 June 2025

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What the judges will look for:

  • The entry must show evidence of ‘systems change’ or new business models that embed circular economy principles in an organisation or supply chain.
  • Evidence of buy-in from along the supply chain and positive customer reactions.
  • Clear evidence and fresh thinking of designing out waste.
  • Proof that materials are not lost from the economic system, such as through energy-from-waste or landfill.
  • A proven and functioning business model that is excelling.
  • Contribution to the UK’s net zero ambitions.

*Please note that information provided here may be used in the public domain for any promotional editorial content for the awards. If any information on the entry form is commercially confidential or otherwise not allowable for publication, please indicate here.

Previous winners: https://www.mrw.co.uk/awards/nras-2023-circular-economy-initiative-17-12-2023/

Who should enter : ICT organisations or companies operating in the UK or the Republic of Ireland that have created digital systems in-house or via a partnership to improve the way waste is managed, recycled or prevented. This could include systems to improve an organisation’s efficiency, such as waste tracking or fleet management, or customer-facing systems including apps.

About the award : The sector is often at the forefront of new technology, including the development and intelligent adoption of AI tools. This award recognises successful and innovative digital systems that have demonstrably improved waste and recycling operations or interactions with those working across the resource sector.

This is primarily for software development. Entries looking to celebrate advances in physical technologies or systems should consider the Innovation in Recycling Equipment and Vehicles category. Where a system integrates both software and hardware, we will consider which category might be best or enter into both categories if clear innovation in both areas is shown.

Qualifying period: 1 January 2024 – 27 June 2025

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What the judges will look for :

  • Evidence of a significant improvement within the waste/recycling sector due to the implementation of the digital system. Examples are welcomed of improvements in efficiency or safety of a waste/recycling operation or system.
  • A well-designed and novel digital solution or an improvement to an existing platform.
  • Bringing a new understanding to the waste/recycling sector on the secondary materials market.

Previous winners: https://www.mrw.co.uk/awards/nras-2023-digital-innovation-17-12-2023/

Who should enter : Any organisation in the waste/recycling/resources sector based in the UK or Republic of Ireland.

About the award : Investing in the sector’s workforce is crucial to developing the skills and expertise needed for the industry to thrive. This award recognises training and skills initiatives, introduced by an employer, that can show a positive impact on employees and an organisation’s ability to attract or support a capable and confident workforce.

Judges are seeking training and skills projects that can include apprenticeships, mentoring work or skills and career development programmes. The award can also recognise new approaches to ensure good practice in addressing health and safety, modern day slavery, mental health, wellbeing and equality, diversity and inclusion. It will be an inspiring example for others in the sector to learn from.

Qualifying period: 1 January 2024 – 27 June 2025

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What the judges are looking for:

  • Clear description of what the initiative is and why it was introduced.
  • Evidence of how the initiative had a positive, measurable impact on employees.
  • Setting an inspiring example for others in the sector to learn from.
  • Evidence of considerations to equality, diversity and inclusion.
  • Evidence of the long-term benefits the organisation can expect.

*Please note that information provided here may be used in the public domain for any promotional editorial content for the awards. If any information on the entry form is commercially confidential or otherwise not allowable for publication, please indicate here.

Previous winner: https://www.mrw.co.uk/awards/nras-2023-employee-training-and-skills-17-12-2023/

Who should enter : Any organisation of any size involved with food waste that has operations in the UK or Republic of Ireland.

About the award : This category will reward organisations that have shown significant measurable success in tackling food waste. This could be through prevention, reduction, reuse and/or recycling. The award seeks innovative and novel initiatives that will inspire others.

Qualifying period: 1 January 2024 – 27 June 2025

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What the judges will look for:

  • Evidence of a novel** and well-designed initiative.
  • Evidence of measurable success that can show the effectiveness of the steps put in place.
  • An example that others can take inspiration from.
  • Contribution to the UK’s net zero ambitions.

**The definition of novel in this context includes delivering established good practice in a more efficient or effective way.

*Please note that information provided here may be used in the public domain for any promotional editorial content for the awards. If any information on the entry form is commercially confidential or otherwise not allowable for publication, please indicate here.

Previous winner: https://www.mrw.co.uk/awards/nras-2023-food-waste-initiative-2-17-12-2023/

Who should enter : Any independent UK or Republic of Ireland-based organisation whose main business is to process, collect or sort materials for recycling, reuse or energy recovery. ‘Independent’ here means the entries are not part of larger or publicly quoted businesses.

About the award : This recognises a business that has set out to be the best, shown exceptional customer service, market innovation, growth and high performance. They will clearly demonstrate how they are helping improve resource management. The winner will show a practical awareness of its role in driving resource management up the waste hierarchy.

Qualifying period: 1 January 2024 – 27 June 2025

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What the judges will look for:

  • Evidence of a significant improvement within the sector from this group’s work, such as in the effectiveness or efficiency of a waste/recycling operation or system.
  • A well-designed and novel solution or an improvement to existing working practices.
  • Bringing a new understanding to the waste/recycling sector on the secondary materials market.
  • Expansion of the company’s business or greater efficiency in its performance.
  • Evidence of a robust health and safety culture.
  • Commitment to the highest standards in handling waste and keeping to the required regulations.
  • Commitment to staff wellbeing and training.
  • Involvement in the wider community and understanding of corporate responsibility.

*Please note that information provided here may be used in the public domain for any promotional editorial content for the awards. If any information on the entry form is commercially confidential or otherwise not allowable for publication, please indicate here.

Previous winner: https://www.mrw.co.uk/awards/nras-2023-independent-operator-of-the-year-17-12-2023/

Who should enter : Technology providers, equipment providers, vehicle manufacturers, and so on, based in the UK or Republic of Ireland.

About the award : This award recognises the important role of developments in equipment and vehicle design for improving the processes, operations and environmental impact of resources, waste and recycling organisations.

The winning entry will demonstrate equipment innovation that can improve the sector and result in significant measurable improvements, such as enhanced efficiency, reduced waste levels or higher quality materials supply. Judges are also looking for examples of systems that can improve recycling rates, reduced the carbon impact of a project or better uphold health and safety performance.

It seeks to highlight novel concepts and ideas that challenge current norms.

Qualifying period: 1 January 2024 – 27 June 2025

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What the judges are looking for:

  • Genuinely innovative equipment or vehicles that improve the resources, waste and recycling sector.
  • Evidence of the measurable improvements the equipment or vehicles can provide.
  • Commitment to safety.
  • Evidence these innovations are being taken up across the sector.

*Please note that information provided here may be used in the public domain for any promotional editorial content for the awards. If any information on the entry form is commercially confidential or otherwise not allowable for publication, please indicate here.

Previous winner: https://www.mrw.co.uk/awards/nras-2023-innovation-in-recycling-equipment-and-vehicles-17-12-2023/

Who should enter : Local authorities based in the UK or Republic of Ireland.

About the award : This award recognises local authorities that have effectively put in place a project or system to drive significant success in recycling, reuse or waste prevention performance and standards, while offering the public value for money. The authority should offer effective case studies for others to learn from, showing leadership and fresh thinking.

Qualifying period: 1 January 2024 – 27 June 2025

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What the judges will look for:

  • Evidence of a well-planned and executed project or new system.
  • Successful results that show the impact and effectiveness of the project/new system.
  • An inspirational example for other councils/others in the resource sector.

*Please note that information provided here may be used in the public domain for any promotional editorial content for the awards. If any information on the entry form is commercially confidential or otherwise not allowable for publication, please indicate here.

Previous winner: https://www.mrw.co.uk/awards/nras-2023-local-authority-success-2-17-12-2023/

Who should enter : Packaging designers, brands, retailers, councils, waste management companies, recyclers, reprocessors and anyone else manufacturing or handling packaging in the value chain. Partnership applications are welcomed involving multiple sectors where there may be a lead applicant.

About the award : Now in its second year, this award, backed by the Industry Council for Packaging and the Environment (INCPEN), celebrates innovations and successes within the packaging value chain that deliver circular economy results at scale and with longevity built-in.

Applications must, at the least, be focused on packaging. That can include how packaging relates to protecting products inside the packaging such as waste prevention. Applicants must sufficiently detail circular economy results that are demonstrable, appropriately evaluated at scale and have longevity. This means innovations must already be delivering great circular economy results with the potential for further development.

The basis for the circular economy is as defined by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation and their globally recognised circular economy diagram.

Qualifying period: 1 January 2024 – 27 June 2025

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What the judges will look for.

  • The application is about how the packaging creates great circular economy results.
  • Appropriately evaluated evidence that demonstrates results at scale, and with longevity, for example, the innovation delivers results that are sustained over time.
  • Evidence the innovation fulfils recycling, reuse and/or refill or other circular economy goals as defined by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation.
  • Evidence the innovation is welcomed and supported by sectors across the packaging value chain.

*Please note that information provided here may be used in the public domain for any promotional editorial content for the awards. If any information on the entry form is commercially confidential or otherwise not allowable for publication, please indicate here.

Who should enter : Open to an effective collaboration that can include waste management companies, recyclers, industry, businesses or compliance schemes. The entry must include at least two organisations, from different sectors. Partnerships including the public, not-for-profit or charitable sectors should enter Partnership Excellence – Public/Private Sector.

About the award : This category recognises true partnerships and innovative working that goes beyond standard contractual arrangements and good practice to manage waste and resources sustainably and effectively. It seeks to highlight creative ideas and new ways of working that can inspire others in the sector. Incorporation of the waste hierarchy, waste minimisation, designing out waste, closed-loop processes, reuse and high recycling rates will be recognised.

Qualifying period: 1 January 2024 – 27 June 2025

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What the judges will look for:

  • Evidence of effective partnership working on a specified project that goes beyond standard contractual arrangements.
  • An innovative approach that benefits all parties, alongside quantifiable evidence to show how working together has brought benefits to end users.
  • An inspirational example from which others in the sector can learn.

*Please note that information provided here may be used in the public domain for any promotional editorial content for the awards. If any information on the entry form is commercially confidential or otherwise not allowable for publication, please indicate here.

Previous winners: https://www.mrw.co.uk/awards/nras-2023-partnership-excellence-commercial-17-12-2023/

Who should enter : Project collaborations between a combination of UK or Republic of Ireland-based waste management companies, recyclers, industry, businesses, compliance schemes, local authorities, community sector bodies or charities. The entry must include at least two organisations, with one partner from the private sector and one partner from the public or not-for-profit or charitable sectors.

NB partnerships not including the public, not-for-profit or charitable sectors should enter Partnership Excellence – Commercial category.

About the award : This category recognises true partnerships and innovative working that goes beyond the norm and standard contractual arrangements and accepted good practice to manage waste and resources sustainably and effectively. It seeks to highlight creative ideas and new ways of working that can inspire others in the sector. Incorporation of the waste hierarchy, waste minimisation, designing out waste, closed-loop processes, reuse and high recycling rates will be recognised.

Qualifying period: 1 January 2024 – 27 June 2025

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What the judges will look for:

  • Evidence of effective partnership working on a specified project that goes beyond standard contractual arrangements.
  • An innovative approach that benefits all parties, alongside quantifiable evidence to show how working together has brought benefits.
  • Evidence of benefits to the wider community.
  • An inspirational example from which others in the sector can learn.

*Please note that information provided here may be used in the public domain for any promotional editorial content for the awards. If any information on the entry form is commercially confidential or otherwise not allowable for publication, please indicate here.

Previous winners: https://www.mrw.co.uk/awards/nras-2023-partnership-excellence-public-private-sector-17-12-2023/

Who should enter : Any business operating in the waste management, reuse, recycling and reprocessing sector in the UK or Republic of Ireland.

About the award : This award recognises either a project addressing a specific challenge or an ongoing programme by a business operating in the waste management/reuse/recycling sector.

Judges are looking for examples of projects that bring measurable social value to a local community, wider society or a targeted group. Entries should result in positive impact on a community, such as creating and developing skills, opportunities and employment or improving local facilities and the environment. It should also have the potential to inspire others and demonstrate how business can be a force for good.

Qualifying period: 1 January 2024 – 27 June 2025

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What the judges are looking for:

  • A business that is delivering positive change to its local community, wider society or a targeted group.
  • Evidence of its impact and success using metrics and testimonials.
  • Commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion.

*Please note that information provided here may be used in the public domain for any promotional editorial content for the awards. If any information on the entry form is commercially confidential or otherwise not allowable for publication, please indicate here.

Previous winner: https://www.mrw.co.uk/awards/nras-2023-social-value-17-12-2023/

Who should enter : Any UK or Republic of Ireland-based organisation that has developed an innovative recycled product. This could be a product on general sale to the public or developed for the B2B market.

About the award : This category recognises a product that exemplifies the best of sustainability. It will have been designed with careful consideration of resources and incorporate recycled content. Factors such as reusability, end of life, waste minimisation, closed loop processes and so on will have been considered in its design. *Note: please consider whether your entry would be better suited to the Packaging Circular Economy award.

Qualifying period: 1 January 2024 – 27 June 2025

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What the judges will look for:

  • A product that will inspire others and show what is possible using recycled material.
  • Evidence of an innovative, well-thought out, sustainable product and supply chain.
  • A product that brings new ideas to the marketplace.
  • Use of recycled content, reusability, design for recycling, upcycling and waste minimisation.
  • Evidence of contribution to net zero targets.

*Please note that information provided here may be used in the public domain for any promotional editorial content for the awards. If any information on the entry form is commercially confidential or otherwise not allowable for publication, please indicate here.

Previous winner: https://www.mrw.co.uk/awards/nras-2023-recycled-product-of-the-year-17-12-2023/

Who should enter : Any business operating in any sector (eg retail, construction, manufacturing), based in the UK or Republic of Ireland.

About the award : This award recognises initiatives by businesses that can demonstrate improved recycling rates and resource efficiency, shown through factors such as exceptional performance and or an embrace of innovative practices. Businesses will need to prove how they divert material away from landfill or energy recovery, moving up the waste hierarchy.

This category focuses on specific material streams and processes. Those wishing to demonstrate the efficiency of their overall business models should consider entering the Circular Economy category. Those looking to enter a specific product should consider the Recycled Product of the Year category. Councils looking to celebrate their improved recycling rates should consider entering the Local Authority Success category.

Qualifying period: 1 January 2024 – 27 June 2025

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What the judges will look for:

  • Evidence of a well-planned and executed project or new system.
  • Successful results that show its impact and effectiveness.
  • Clear evidence of an increase in recycling or reuse rates.
  • An inspirational example for the wider resources sector.
  • Contribution to the UK’s net zero ambitions.

*Please note that information provided here may be used in the public domain for any promotional editorial content for the awards. If any information on the entry form is commercially confidential or otherwise not allowable for publication, please indicate here.

Previous winner: https://www.mrw.co.uk/awards/nras-2023-recycling-excellence-17-12-2023/

Who should enter : Any waste and/or recycling facility registered in the UK or Republic of Ireland.

About the award : This award recognises a waste and/or recycling facility that demonstrates exemplary operation through innovation and/or improved management. It will be a facility that has challenged itself to be the best and can inspire others by the standards it has set. All types and sizes of facilities are welcomed. Please note this award is for one facility only.

Qualifying period: 1 January 2024 – 27 June 2025

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What the judges will look for:

  • Evidence of a successful, well-run, best in class facility that sets the bar for meeting industry changes.
  • A facility with high ambitions, that uses innovative solutions and runs efficiently and effectively.
  • Robust procedures and strong performance for health & safety, employee welfare and preventing modern day slavery.
  • Evidence of strong business performance and positive customer feedback.
  • Evidence of effective partnership working on a specified project that goes beyond standard contractual arrangements.
  • An innovative approach that benefits all parties, alongside quantifiable evidence to show how working together has brought benefits.
  • Contribution to the UK’s net zero ambitions.

*Please note that information provided here may be used in the public domain for any promotional editorial content for the awards. If any information on the entry form is commercially confidential or otherwise not allowable for publication, please indicate here.

Previous winner: https://www.mrw.co.uk/awards/nras-2023-recycling-facility-of-the-year-2-17-12-2023/

Who should enter : A team working in any type of organisation within the waste and recycling sector in the UK or Republic of Ireland. The definition of a team in this context will be employees from one organisation working in unison towards the same goal, on a specified project/initiative.

About the award : People are at the heart of delivering the products, processes and services needed to deliver high performance in waste and resource management. This award recognises the people in the sector that embody teamwork and from which others can learn and be inspired. The team will demonstrate the qualities, attitude and approach needed for success on a project.

Qualifying period: 1 January 2024 – 27 June 2025

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What the judges will look for:

  • Evidence of a team, and the individuals that make up the team, that has gone above and beyond standard contractual expectations to deliver excellent results.
  • Demonstration, through a specific project, of the qualities, attitudes and approach needed for success.
  • Evidence of effective individual contributions to the team, a shared commitment to achieving goals, and a positive, balanced approach from which others can take inspiration, not an overtime culture.
  • Commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion.

*Please note that information provided here may be used in the public domain for any promotional editorial content for the awards. If any information on the entry form is commercially confidential or otherwise not allowable for publication, please indicate here.

Previous winner: https://www.mrw.co.uk/awards/nras-2023-team-of-the-year-17-12-2023/

Who should enter: Formerly known as our Rising Star Award, the One to Watch prize is a chance to recognise a resource and waste management employee from a UK or Republic of Ireland-based organisation, who has made a notable impact through their work to an organisation or the wider sector. In their respective field, the winner will demonstrate clear talent, passion and drive - either in their training, or through initiatives they have led or are working on. The entry can be completed by the employee or on their behalf by peers or employers who would like to nominate them.

About the award : This award recognises employees in the waste and recycling sector who have shown talent, drive, exceptional performance, enthusiasm and fresh thinking in improving performance or standards within an organisation or the wider industry. They are positive ambassadors for the industry and may be an apprentice, trainee or staff member of any seniority that has stood out in the quality of service they offer or in how they balance a range of responsibilities with their duties.

Qualifying period: 1 January 2024 – 27 June 2025

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Who should enter : Organisations involved in delivering services or products in the UK or Republic of Ireland such as: energy-from-waste, waste-to-fuel technology, chemical recycling, anaerobic digestion, landfill gas and carbon capture and storage.

About the award : To recognise the contribution the sector makes to the UK’s energy mix and to highlight the creativity and innovative technology involved in turning waste into energy and fuel. The winning entry will be able to demonstrate a new way of thinking about how to use waste or wider waste infrastructure as a resource. The winner will show the way forward for the rest of the industry and the potential for partnering with other sectors.

Qualifying period: 1 January 2024 – 27 June 2025

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