Why attend?

  • The National Recycling Awards is the largest and most prestigious awards ceremony in the recycling, reuse and waste industry.
  • Brings together the whole sector for unrivalled face-to-face networking opportunities with clients, prospects, peers and your team.
  • Being shortlisted or winning an award and attending elevates your brand/company.
  • Being shortlisted or winning an award and inviting your team motivates them and helps increase retention.
  • Builds customer trust by showcasing your organisation’s achievements to clients and prospects helps boost sales and additional PR exposure.
  • Opportunity to see and be seen as one of the key organisations in the sector.

The rate card is fully accessible via our website at www.PRIORITY.ltd using the event passcode: EMAP024

The hyperlink between your website and ours, the url that you would need is: http://www.priority.ltd/events.aspx?event=EMAP024

Guests can also book by telephoning PRIORITY on 0845 6123 611 or +44 1473 550 620 and quoting Event Code: EMAP024 24

PRIORITY will always negotiate the best available rate at the time of booking and if there are better rates than those shown on the rate card we will inform the guests prior to booking, we can of course make bookings either side of the Wednesday night for those who require it.

NRAs Highlights