Sophie Walker, Dsposal
Sophie Walker
CEO and Co-Founder

Sophie is an award-winning entrepreneur working at the intersection of the circular economy, technology, open standards and packaging. She is the CEO and Co-Founder of Dsposal, a Founding Director of its sister social enterprise Your Dsposal and a Founding Director of the not-for-profit GING.

Sophie has led a number of major projects, often with user research, stakeholder engagement and service design at their heart, including the PPP Phase 2 project on packaging data funded by Innovate UK (leading to the development of the Open 3P data standard for packaging and the GING data sharing platform), a 3-month feasibility study for Defra into digital waste tracking for the UK, a project on household waste recycling centre data funded by the Open Data Institute, and a Women in Innovation Award to develop waste compliance software for the NHS.

She speaks internationally on the circular economy, digitalisation, open data and open standards, is the Group Coordinator of the Waste Compliance Taskforce , sits on the advisory board for the One Bin project at University of Manchester , sat on the EDI working group for CIWM and is an alumna of the CSC Leaders Programme (now Global Leaders). In her spare time, she is a trustee for the charity Village Service Trust , which supports health and community development in rural Tamil Nadu where Sophie was born. Before founding Dsposal, Sophie undertook an 8,700-mile cycle tour of North America with her fiancé and co-founder, Tom Passmore.